Parish Centre Update – April 2021
Dear Members and Friends,
As we emerge from the most recent lockdown it seems like an appropriate time for us to update you on the Parish Centre and Club.
Having closed our doors in March last year it has been a challenging year for us financially. We have continued to pay our staff in full whilst our usual revenue streams (bar and car park) ceased. We have been grateful for some small business grants from the local council, however these have not covered our significant stock losses and other ongoing costs.
In addition to government restrictions, we are required to follow diocesan guidelines and procedures when considering opening the Parish Centre. Prior to lockdown we had already planned a period of closure to carry out some renovation work; notably a kitchen extension and outdoor patio. We hope shortly to commence work on the patio, part of which involves the installation of new patio doors to give direct outside access from the hall. This will undoubtedly delay our potential reopening date which we will keep you updated on.
We are pleased to say that, subject to diocesan approval, we hope to reopen the car park office from Tuesday 4th May. Club membership and Car Park permit renewals will also be payable from this date. Fees have remained unchanged for a number of years, however there will be a small increase this year to ensure the club remains financially secure. For existing member renewals, we will contact you in the next couple of weeks via email where possible and otherwise by post. We are appealing to members to make payment online if possible, to help us renew permits in a COVID safe way. If you have any queries please speak to John after mass or email him at
Download the Renewal Form Here
Please note that there will be no public access to the car park office or toilets until further notice.
Finally, we are very sad to announce the closure of Paradise Playgroup which has been running from the Parish Centre for over 20 years. We would like to thank Jill and her team and indeed all those who worked there over the years for their service to the parish, school and wider community. We will update you with future plans for the Simpson Room in due course.
Many thanks for your continued support and we will look forward to welcoming you back to the Parish Centre as soon as we’re able to do so. Stay Safe.
Parish Centre Committee and Club Directors